Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Christopher!

Today Christopher is 6!
Happy Birthday beautiful boy!

I'd fully intended on writing one of those long sappy posts I've seen on other blogs, but instead I've been busy all day, playing with him, and his new Ben10 alien force watch, buying special birthday doughnuts, and visiting Grandma.  So the post will have to wait.  But I did manage to dig out pictures, one for every year, so you can all see how much he's grown.



Anonymous said...

OMG.. looking at that baby pic makes me want another one. THANKS!!!

Happy Birthday Christopher!!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I tagged you! Check out "8 Things at Random" on my blog.

Really Frugal said...

I read your description of Christopher. I hope he keeps giving you surprises and reaching new heights. Happy 6, Christopher.

Anonymous said...

I love the progressive photos...great to see how a baby boy turns into a big boy, but keeps all the features that makes him, him!

Jennifer said...

Thank you all for your comments. Sorry about the baby lust Angel! I get that every time I see newborn pics on other people's blogs too.

RF - he does. Every day. He's simply amazing. :)


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