Friday, October 30, 2009

Yes I Did Friday!

It is Friday, right?  I've had one of those weeks where the days all blend together and it's felt like it should have been Friday for at least 3 days now... but it never was.  I'm hoping I've actually got it right today.  If not, I quit. 

As Jeanette says... Do something you shouldn't have this week and not feel a bit bad about it? Or how about  something you are so proud of, you can't wait to share? Well you've come to the right place! Friday is the day to own the bright and not so bright things you did this week!

I did encourage my husband to spend way too much money on Christmas gifts for our extended family yesterday, as well as buying two new Wii games as family gifts for Christmas as well.  Now I feel guilty and stressed about the money.  But dudes - I get Super Mario Brothers!!

I did spend the first half of the week grumpy and snappy with my husband due to feeling unsupported.  But we did get it worked out very easily once we sat down and talked.  I DO love the fact that we have such a great relationship that that is as bad as it ever gets between us.

I did go to Kindergarten on Monday!  I actually spent the afternoon in class with Christopher to have a better idea what's going on with him and it gave me some much needed insight as to exactly what he needs, and where he is.

I did promise Lexie I would cut her hair this weekend.  I am already sad about this.  But it's her hair!  I will take pictures!

And I did do this....

I'm not sure if this was a bright, or not so bright idea, but I did it!  And you should do it too!  You can do it here.  And I'm sure I will be looking for ideas, so if you have any questions for me, or anything you want to see... please feel free to hit me with them!  Otherwise you may end up with pictorial tours of the contents of my pantry.  And nobody wants that.


Heather said...

great list! and they have super mario bros. for wii now? i do have it for my ds...but for the wii, i may have to splurge. i don't think i can wait til christmas!

Heather said...

p.s. forgot to mention that it makes my heart smile that you and your husband are able to really communicate. one of my current goals is to really become "one" with my husband.

great job!

Jeanette said...

I fear the day my daughter tells me she wants her hair cut. She is not yet 3, and her hair touches her diaper.

Oh, you can expect me around 5ish, to play Mario. I like pepsi and Doritos. ;)

Jennifer said...

Mario is being released on Nov 15th. S says I still have to wait until Christmas for it though. Bully. Jeanette, you are totally invited! You too Heather! I should throw a big Hummus party. BYOH, though, I'm not providing hummus - that stuff is nasty!

Lexie's hair was down to her waist the first time we cut it, it's been long and short since. It's down to her shoulder blades now. I prefer it long, but she likes it shorter because it's easier to take care of. Unfortunately I've always maintained the opinion it's their hair, so it's up to them what they do with it. Which is why she gets to cut it, and why Joshua is currently sporting a mop... he says he wants it long.

Thanks for the compliment on my relationship Heather! S and I are lucky in that our personalities just click together most of the time. I can't imagine trying to be married to someone where it's a constant battle.

justjaime31 said...

Thank you for your comment on :-) It made me smile and lifted my spirits a bit!!

Iwish alot of us harlots could get together for lunch!!! Although we would def get kicked out of any restaurant we went to!!! LOL

Erin said...

A few months ago my daughter wanted her hair cut short. We did it even though I liked it better before. You've got to let them have some control!! Happy Friday, and Happy Halloween too.

Dawn said...

We are so behind it. I have every computer oriented thing on the planet but a Wii? Not yet. We want one though.

I wrote a big un-pc post for today so I guess I need to go do a Yes I did Friday one.

A Hummus get-together would be a lot of fun. Could you imagine us all in one room talking instead of typing?

Anonymous said...

I want to come play Super Mario! I love it!

won said...

Thanks for the 30 day blog link. Off to check that out...I'd not heard of it before.


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